Offset your Christmas Dinner — For free!

We’ll make a donation in your name to help factory farmed animals and offset the impact of your Christmas dinner

By claiming your free offset, you'll receive updates about food offsetting and other ways to help create a kinder food system. You can unsubscribe anytime.

How it works

Give the gift of a better life to farmed animals this Christmas. It’s like a carbon offset, but for your diet!

We calculated the cost to help farmed animals enough to offset the impact of the average Christmas dinner on them

When you sign up, our matching donors will donate that amount to some of the best charities tackling factory farming.

You can tuck into your dinner, knowing you’ve helped create positive change this Christmas.

What happens next?

Simply enter your email to claim your free Christmas dinner offset. Our matching donors make a donation on your behalf to expert-selected charities, working hard to protect animals from factory farming and build a better food system.

Where does your donation go?

Your impact

Every family that signs up, will help 7 animals

Based on the average American family size of 3.15 people

Each animal is a unique individual in need of protection, like Frankie the pig.

Like most mother pigs in industrial farms, becoming a mother meant Frankie was confined to a metal crate barely larger than her body. These crates are so small, that big pigs like her can’t even lie down properly. She’s been trapped here throughout her pregnancy, 24 hours a day.

But the good news is we can help protect pigs, and other factor farmed animals, from these kinds of intense confinement and other cruel practices. The charities we recommend can prevent pigs like Frankie being confined to these gestation crates and ensuring that fewer animals experience the cruelties of factory farming.

Sad mother pig (courtesy of Molly Condit, We Animals Media)