We’re a donation guide and multiplier


We’ve done the homework for you, so that you can donate to the best charities working to reform factory farming without the hassle of spending hours doing research.


We multiply your impact by adding a bonus to your donation and boosting its effectiveness with our charity recommendations.

Fully independent

We operate independently, funded by philanthropic grants. This ensures that 100% of your donation goes to your chosen charities and that our recommendations stay free from bias.

Learn more about us:

Our mission

Factory farming is a broken system. Our mission is to give you the power to fix it.

We want everyone to be able to be a part of fixing factory farming. Not everyone can go to a protest, or cut meat and dairy out their diet right now. But almost all of us can give, even a little, to help. And, by helping you pick the right charities – those that make your dollars go the furthest – we can help your donations make a huge impact.


Factory farming puts profits before animal welfare, causing suffering at an industrial scale.


Factory farming endangers our health: It increases antibiotic resistance and the risk of new pandemics, all while contributing to global hunger.

The Planet

Factory farming is a major climate change culprit, it drives deforestation, it depletes the ocean and pollutes our soil, air and waterways.

Our founders

Thom Norman

Co-Founder and Director of Outreach

My cats, Luna and Sirius, mean the world to me. When I think about farmed animals, I can't help imagining how I'd feel if they suffered the same fate. If you spend any time on a farm sanctuary, you'll quickly learn that pigs, cows and even chickens have the same loving, mischievous and loyal personalities that our pets do. The only difference between your dog and them is that you haven't met them yet – that's really no difference at all.

That's why I left my job as a lawyer to find out how I could help end the abuse of animals and the planet that is factory farming, which led me to create FarmKind. I think we all know that factory farming is wrong, but we don't think there is anything we can do about it. FarmKind aims to show people the real change that they can make with their donations so that everyone can be part of the solution.

Aidan Alexander

Co-Founder and Director of Platform

When I learned that some charities do 100x more good per dollar than others, I was inspired to start giving a percentage of my income to these super-effective charities. It's a way to make a huge difference, without a huge disruption to your life. I started FarmKind to make it easier for other people to do the same.

I spent years trying to eat less animal products, so if you are on that journey too, I get it: it's hard! It took me seven years to meaningfully change my diet, and I wish I'd known sooner that it isn't the only way to help animals and the environment – I could have made a real impact and felt better about my progress right from the start by also giving. If you are on the same journey, I'm always here to share my experience and support.

Some charities are super-effective, helping hundreds (if not thousands) of animals with the same donation that some of the best-known animal charities need to help just one. The smart choice when donating is to give at least some of your donation to these super-effective charities that will use it to have a truly outsized impact, giving you the best value for your money.
But figuring out which charities are super-effective is too much work for any individual donor to take on. That's why we've taken on this challenge for you.

What we look for

  • We look for top animal charities that will do the most good with additional donations, based on the best evidence available.

  • We also want our pool of top animal charities to address all the main types of harm caused by factory farming. This means that our charities collectively help all the main groups of animals harmed by factory farming, while also making farming kinder to people and the planet.

How we pick them

  • All our charities must have been rigorously assessed and then recommended by Animal Charity Evaluators, who are an independent organization that spends thousands of hours interrogating charities' operations to understand how much good they do with each donation.

  • But that's not all: We then work with expert grantmakers to hand-pick a subset of charities from Animal Charity Evaluators' extremely selective list, that best meet the needs of donors like you.

Get to know our top animal charities

All of our top animal charities charities are included in our Impact Fund, while the subset of charities with programs that make a particularly big difference to combatting climate change are in our Climate Fund.

The Climate Fund reforms the food system through two approaches: The first is supporting alternative proteins – like plant-based and cultivated meat – by unlocking government investment and policies that support development and adoption. The second approach is institutional reform, like pressuring financial institutions to divest from unsustainable and inhumane farming practices, helping big organisations to make low-carbon plant-based options more available to their staff and fighting corporate greenwashing. This reduces the reliance on factory-farmed products to feed the population.

= Climate fund

Our bonus fund

We help you multiply your impact by boosting your donation with prepaid bonus funds. The more of your donation you allocate to one of our top animal charities, the larger the bonus you will receive.

These funds have been contributed by other donors who want to motivate more people to donate to fix factory farming. When you get you a bonus added to your donation through our platform, you get to direct these funds to the favorite charity and the recommended super-effective charity of your choosing.

For us to continue multiplying people's donations, the bonus fund needs a steady stream of supporters. Anyone can contribute, but you might be a particularly good fit if you're excited about encouraging people to donate to super-effective charities, or if you've benefited from donation matching or our bonus fund in the past and you want to pay it forward.

Frequently asked questions


Transparency in the charity sector is fundamental to building and maintaining trust. It's also a core value at FarmKind. For this reason we try to make as much about our organization transparent as possible.

Our operations

100% of donations on our platform go to users' chosen destination. We do not take a cut or charge any fees. To make this possible, our operational costs are independently funded by philanthropic grants. Our funders to date include:

The Pollination Project's Logo

A detailed breakdown of our funding sources over time can be found here.

Our organization was incubated in 2024 at part of the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program and operates through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178, www.ppf.org/pp), a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Donations through our platform

A detailed breakdown of donations made through our platform can be found here. It includes details on how many donors and donations we had, how much they gave and to which charities on a monthly basis.

Our Supporters

We couldn’t have launched FarmKind, nor could we continue to operate it, without the generous support of many special people. You know who you are! We have been truly humbled by people’s willingness to support us with their advice, their time and money.

In particular, we want to thank:

  • Kate Rodman and the team at Violet Studios for the incredible graphic design

  • Vikram Singh from Vegan Hacktivists for his help crafting the donation user experience

  • Douglas Browne from Hive for his software development wizardry (and his patience!), and the Hive team for their broad and invaluable support

  • Every.org for their willingness to customise their API to meet our needs and Santi Hernandez for making it happen

  • Professor Josh Greene and Dr. Lucius Caviola for the research that inspired us to enable donors to split and boost their donation

  • Matt Coleman and Fabio Kuhn at Giving Multiplier for supporting us to build off of what they’ve learned and achieved with their platform

  • Ambitious Impact for incubating our organization, and in particular Samantha Kagel, Steve Thompson and our cohort of fellow charity entrepreneurs

  • Our advisors, Karolina Sarek, Sebastian Schwiecker, Louise Pfeiffer and Matt Coleman

  • Karl Keefer, Lily Chamberlain and Jack Farrell for sharing your experience and expertise with us

  • Aaron Cahill, Pau Vidal Bordoy and Aidan Homewood for your generous software development support on short notice

  • Mithuna Yoganathan (Looking Glass Universe) for putting in the hours to help us with our video content

  • Constance Li, James Che and James Morgan for your extra enthusiastic encouragement — it has helped us more than you’d believe.

And of course, thank you to everyone who has donated to fix factory farming through our platform. Your support inspires us to aim higher every day.

— The FarmKind Team