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Balance your meals with your ideals: Help animals as much as your diet harms them

Diet change can be hard. But it’s not the only way to help animals

Not everyone is willing or able to cut meat and dairy out their diet right now. But almost all of us can give, even a little, to help.

We’ve built a calculator to help you donate an amount that does as much good to fix factory farming as your diet contributes to it. Choose your diet from the options or toggle to ‘advanced mode’ to customize the calculation in more detail. Keep in mind that there is significant uncertainty involved in estimates like this.

  • Our calculator combines data on the average adult diet in the U.S, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand with our recommended charities' estimated costs to help different animals.

    Learn more about where these numbers come from here.


    • All of our expert-recommended charities either significantly improve the lives of factory farmed animals, or reduce the number of animals that are factory farmed. The welfare improvements they achieve today make a massive difference, but they don't yet result in completely benign farming practices.

    • For example, chickens raised according to the the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC) suffer roughly 50% less those raised with standard industry practices. This means your donation needs to cause two chickens to be raised in accordance with the BCC to help chickens as much as they're harmed when factory farmed.

    • Because of this, when you offset your diet through FarmKind, you are helping a far larger number of animals than contribute to your diet, giving each a smaller benefit than is commensurate with the harm of raising them.

Why fix factory farming?

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