The best animal charities to donate to
Expert recommendations to ensure your donation is used wisely
The Humane League
Free chickens and pigs from the cruelest farming practices. Help them hold corporations accountable.
The Humane League holds corporations to account, pressuring them to end the cruelest practices in factory farming.
Their campaigns have successfully pressured over 300 companies to commit to stop serving battery caged eggs in their stores and restaurants, and 140 companies to stop serving meat from genetically manipulated chickens whose muscles grow too fast for the rest of their bodies to keep up. They have also secured commitments from companies to phase out the use of ‘gestation crates’ which keep mother pigs immobilized for months on end, not able to turn around or sometimes even lie down properly.
Supporting the Humane League through FarmKind means that more animals can live free from this intense confinement today, and we can work towards ending inhumane farming practices globally.
The Humane League is able to stretch your donation further: its campaigns have a track record of preventing a chicken from being caged so they can spread their wings for as little as 85 cents each.
They come highly recommended by the experts: The Humane League is the only charity to have been recommended by Animal Charity Evaluators in every year for the past decade.
Learn about The Humane League in more detail here.
The Good Food Institute
Accelerate the transition to a sustainable, healthy, and just food system. Support their work driving innovation in alternative proteins.
The Good Food Institute (GFI) work alongside scientists, businesses, and policymakers around the world to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, healthy, and just food system by promoting the development and adoption of plant-based and cell-cultured meat products. They nurture the alternative protein ecosystem holistically, advancing research and development, supporting startups, and lobbying for sensible policies. What’s particularly exciting about GFI’s work is that it helps animals, by making alternatives to factory farming viable, and tackles the impact of our food on the climate too.
The Good Food Institute fixes factory farming at the systemic level by pushing forward innovative alternative ways to provide healthy food that is kind to both farmed animals and the planet.
A $100 donation to GFI can prevent roughly as much carbon emissions as planting 9 trees (34 tCO2e) and prevent the suffering of hundreds of animals at the same time.
They come highly recommended by the experts, with both climate charity evaluator Giving Green and Animal Charity Evaluators giving GFI their highest recommendation.
Learn about The Good Food Institute in more detail here.
Sinergia Animal
Help rescue cows, pigs, chickens and fish in the Global South from the cruelest farming practices,
Sinergia Animal's work is shaping the future of farming for the better in parts of the world where factory farming is growing fastest.
Across the world, both factory farming and meat eating are growing fastest in 'the global south'--broadly Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania (except Australia and New Zealand). However, almost all of the work to tackle factory farming happens in the USA and Europe.
That's why Sinergia Animal's work is so important. They put pressure on big organizations in these parts of the world to make lasting changes in the food system for the sake of animals and the planet, pushing companies to boycott products made with factory farming's worst practices.
Their focus on this region is particularly valuable because reform efforts are less mature there, and lower labor costs offer the possibility of helping more animals per dollar donated than in the US or Europe.
Sinergia Animal is working to fix factory farming in regions where more than three-quarters of animals are farmed each year, but which receive only a small fraction of the resources aimed at fixing factory farming.
They're making a big difference in the lives of many animals affected by factory farming, and doing it with a surprisingly small budget.
Sinergia comes highly recommended by experts, having been endorsed by Animal Charity Evaluators for the past six years.
Learn about Sinergia Animal in more detail here.
Dansk Vegetarisk Forening
Give people better access to animal-friendly and planet-friendly food options. Support their corporate and political campaigns.
Dansk Vegetarisk Forening (DVF) makes it easier for people to access foods that are kinder to animals and the planet by working with, and sometimes against, institutions. As an example of their more collaborative work, they helped secure over €168 million of government investment in the plant-based economy. On the more adversarial side, they fought and won a court case against Danish Crown (a major pork producer) over greenwashing of their products.
Supporting DVF through FarmKind will help us transition to a kinder food system that puts the broken age of factory farming firmly behind us.
DVF helps both animals and the planet. Their work puts the responsibility for fixing factory farming firmly onto the companies and institutions who create the systems that destroy our planet and cause suffering for animals.
DVF is one of Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE)’s 11 top recommended organizations because their work has credible evidence showing that it is making a big difference.
Learn about Dansk Vegetarisk Forening in more detail here.
Why factory farming?
Why these charities?
Fact: Some charities help hundreds, if not thousands of animals for the same amount of money that some of the best-known animal charities need to help just one¹
There are a lot of animal charities out there. It can be really difficult to figure out which ones are making a difference at all, let alone which one will make the biggest difference possible with your donation.
How can you compare charities that do completely different things? How do you separate the real facts from misleading marketing? Now, you don't have to.
We’ve done the homework for you, so that you can donate to the best charities working to fight factory farming without the hassle of spending hours doing research.
What we look for:
Expert recommended
We work with leading experts, like Animal Charity Evaluators, to identify some of the best animal charities out there
We want to make sure your donation isn’t going to be wasted and will help the most animals possible. All our charities report in detail on how they use your donations.
Help lots of animals
We select charities that will do the most with your gift to help animals suffering in factory farms, as well as tackling the impact of factory farming on our planet and health.
It is hard to be precise here. The Battersea Dogs and Cats Home — one of the UK's oldest and best known animal shelters — says it costs them £46,000 per day to look after their animals and looks after around 7,000 new cats and dogs per year. That’s ~$21.5 million USD per year, which is just over $3,000 USD per animal. Meanwhile, our recommended charities can spare a chicken from a life of confinement in a battery cage for just $0.85. You can explore how far your donations can go with our super-effective charities using the impact calculator below.