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Driving institutional change for our broken food system.

What they do

Dansk Vegetarisk Forening (DVF) makes it easier for people to access foods that are kinder to animals and the planet by working with, and sometimes against, institutions. As an example of their more collaborative work, they helped secure over €168 million of government investment in the plant-based economy. On the more adversarial side, they fought and won a court case against Danish Crown (a major pork producer) over greenwashing of their products. 

Press conference after DVF's lawsuit victory against Danish Crown (a major pork producer)

A press conference with the prosecution after Danish Crown, Europe's largest pork producer, is found guilty of deceptive climate advertising and greenwashing of pork products in March 2024 (source)

How they do it

They are a small organization making a big impact: They successfully lobby the government for sustainable agricultural reforms, increased funding for plant-based transitions, and the right to access plant-based food. They spearhead strategic lawsuits like those challenging corporate greenwashing. DVF is also working to export their playbook for driving institutional food system reform to allied organizations internationally, creating global change.

Cute lambs

Photo from Gabriela Penela (We Animals Media)

  • 1. Policy work

    DVF builds strong relationships with politicians across the political spectrum by organizing meetings, seminars, and debates, attending major political events, and conducting surveys published ahead of elections. They also host an annual networking evening for plant-based professionals, including politicians. These activities establish DVF as a reliable source of valuable input for policy development. Then, from this position of political influence, they develop and champion policy proposals for sustainable agricultural reforms, increased funding for plant-based transitions, and the right to access plant-based food.

    2. Lawsuits defending consumer rights

    DVF conducts strategic lawsuits to protect consumer rights in the food system. For example, they have defended the right to plant-based options in public sector kitchens and challenged Danish Crown, a major pork producer, for greenwashing.

    3. Corporate outreach

    This program ensures the development and availability of more and better plant-based products. DVF advises companies, including start-ups, and influences retailers to stock and promote a wide selection of plant-based products. They survey supermarkets and award those that excel in offering plant-based options, creating a competitive incentive for retailers to improve.

    4. International capacity building

    DVF facilitates international sharing of best-practices on food system reform through public policy. This includes organizing webinars, offering individual mentoring of other organizations, facilitating forums, and writing white papers. They also participate in EU-funded international collaborative research projects. 

    • Lobbied the government to establish a fund that will allocate €168 million to plant-based initiatives and secured a seat on the fund’s board.

    • Won a lawsuit against Danish Crown for greenwashing products.

    • Convinced three nationwide retailers to participate in their new Green January campaign.

    • Launched a program supporting plant-based startups, currently with 21 participating startups.

    • Provides counseling to about 50 food companies annually on reducing their negative impact on animals and the environment.

Why support them

  • DVF helps both animals and the planet. Their work puts the responsibility for fixing factory farming firmly onto the companies and institutions who create the systems that destroy our planet and cause suffering for animals

  • DVF is one of Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE)’s 11 top recommended organizations because their work has credible evidence showing that it is making a big difference. You can take a look at their detailed evaluation here.

  • Supporting DVF through FarmKind will help us transition to a kinder food system that puts the broken age of factory farming firmly behind us

DVF'S Secretary General presenting to institutional leaders

Danish Vegetarian Association Secretary General Rune-Christoffer Dragsdahl presenting to institutional leaders.


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